Well, I’ve started and saved about four different blog posts over the last several days, but I cannot seem to share beyond the first few sentences. I have writer’s block, I guess. Or maybe it’s more than that. We have so much going on that my attention is being pulled in several directions…and I really just want to be still for a while.
Well, I’m sure that will come soon, and then I’ll be able to focus on writing a cohesive thought…but for now I’ll just share some goings-on in our lives right now to keep the blog momentum going.
- Bible Classes: Blaise and I have signed up for a course of study through Moody Bible Institute. I’ve written before about my insecurities about our lack of training/qualifications for the mission field, and while Every Village assures us that it is our heart for God and the South Sudanese which ultimately qualify us (in addition to the training we’ll receive), we did feel a prompting from God to take a basic course of study over the Bible. I, as a nerd and teacher, am thrilled to death about taking more classes (yeah, I seriously LOVE learning that much), and though Blaise doesn’t get quite as excited about writing papers, etc, etc as I do, he, too, is really excited to intensively study the Word.
- Renting our House: Ugh! This process is not nearly as quick and easy as just selling the house would have been, but we do still really feel that we’re walking within God’s will on this issue. The house kind of sells itself as far as character and updates, but we have to talk with a lot of people and then decide if they’re right for our neighborhood and our house, decide if their finances are fit enough, and decide if we trust them. It’s big and scary, and we are asking for prayers for wisdom and discernment as we make the final selections.
- Raising Support: This is something that Blaise and I both love! Now don’t get me wrong, this is a grueling phase of ministry as we have to surrender all control and watch God do the real work, but we absolutely love meeting with people and sharing what God has done in our lives to lead us to full-time missions work. We are also crazy in love with the South Sudanese, and it is so much fun to share their stories with our friends and family here in the States, watch them catch the vision, and become solid prayer warriors for us and South Sudan.
- Growing our Family: My brother and sister-in-law are expecting their third, this time a little boy, in just a few short weeks. We are SO excited to have our first nephew in the family (on both sides, we have only have nieces), and to watch our family grow and expand as a new generation is born. I am planning on leaving very shortly after the little man is born, but you better believe that before I leave and when I get back I’ll be sucking up the joy of having that new little life among us!