let's be social!
Easter is just around the corner (and I soooo hope that warm weather is coming with it), so today I wanted to share 5 of my very favorite Easter resources for little ones.
*FREE* Countdown Cards
Let’s start with a FREE resource I found recently and really love! I am a firm believer in reading Scripture to your littles. I love children’s bibles, but there is something rich about reading the very words of life from a “grown up” bible, too. Happy Home Fairy has a FREE printable Easter countdown. Each of the 40 days includes a sort passage of words that Jesus spoke. I LOVE this countdown! (*Not an affiliate*)
A Sense of the Resurrection
I discovered Amanda’s amazing Advent curriculum back in late November. We did Truth in the Tinsel throughout December, and it was a game-changer for me! We read Scripture straight from the bible and the boys created an ornament each day to hang on our tree. By the time Christmas rolled around, Clark was able to tell the entire Christmas story and I knew that the Word of God had been impressed upon his heart.
Praise the Lord, Amanda also has an Easter Experience, called A Sense of the Resurrection! Our copy is printed out and ready to go, and I am so excited about bringing the Easter story to life for them!
I would highly recommend BOTH of her eBooks for your littles!
Books, Books, Books!
The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross
We bought The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross several years ago after a friend recommended it. It has been a family favorite ever since! It tells the meta-narrative of Scripture, emphasizing that “because of our sin, we can’t come in.” It does not shy away from the hard truth that Jesus bore our sins on the cross, either, and I love that the story is accessible, but incredibly rich in truth. Our boys LOVE the illustrations, and I love how succinctly it shares the Gospel. It’s not an Easter-specific book, but it certainly puts the Easter story in the larger context of Scripture.
The Donkey Who Carried a King
The Donkey Who Carried a King is a great book that tells the Easter story from the perspective of a donkey. He is trying to make sense of what is happening, and as he does, our children learn along with him. This one is still a bit over Elliot’s head, but it’s one that Clark can now sit and listen through at 4 years old.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
We love The Jesus Storybook Bible, and especially that every story points to Jesus. There are a myriad of ways you can use this kids’ bible to lead up to Easter. You can find reading plans on Pinterest, on Sally Lloyd-Jones’s website, and probably a quick Google search.
A Beautifully Wrecked Life Pinterest Board
If click the picture above, it will take you to my Pinterest board, where you can find Easter book lists, craft activities, etc. I’ve been collecting pins since just after Christmas, and I’m excited to try out some of the activities I’ve pinned. Share yours, too!