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As 2020 draws to a close and we set our sights on 2021, I’ve begun to switch gears and think ahead to what I want the next year to look like for our family. So today I’m sharing a fantastic FREE goal setting workbook for you!
It’s called Be Intentional: A Vision Casting and Goal Setting Workbook for 2021. And it’s a beautiful, 22-page workbook for moms who want to be intentional with their time and relationships in 2021. And I’m so excited to share it with you!
Many of us feel that 2020 was a rough year – and it was – but I think because of the unusual circumstances, it gives us a bit of clarity. At least for me, 2020 helped strip away the false gods I was putting my hope in. I saw clearly what I struggled with, what I had a hard time trusting God with, and just how much I like to pretend I have control. A lot of it was pretty ugly.
But thankfully, it all just reminded me of my need for Jesus.
So as I look ahead to the next year, I’m thinking through how I want to grow. A lot of my goals for 2021 relate to character and spiritual growth. And honestly, my goals for next year will probably be way more realistic and attainable than goals I’ve written in the past.
Because I’m writing goals that I can work toward no matter what’s going on in the world.
This past year taught me that I have very little control over many of life’s circumstances, but that just means that I need to be careful about where I’m placing my hope.
Am I hanging my hope on the things of this world or on placing it in God’s sovereign hands?
Am I putting my trust in things I can control or in the One who breathes life into me?
Is my joy contingent on my circumstances or, like Paul, have I learned to be content no matter what is happened to me or around me?
It’s kind of a paradox: 2020 reminded me that there’s not much I actually have control over and yet that’s the very reason I need to set goals that will lead me into living a more thoughtful, intentional life.
Whether or not there’s a pandemic raging, I can choose the words I speak to my children carefully. No matter how insecure my husband’s job is, I can trust the Lord with tomorrow and show my children what that trust looks like. No matter how depressing the news is, I can open my Bible and soak in God’s rich truth.
So as I’ve sat down to write out my vision and goals for the next year, I am reminded that I should seek first His will. And only once I’ve sought His will can I pick up my pen. It helps me to remember that the goals I write should be those which I can still work toward even if 2021 continues to fall apart like 2020 did.
My goals should have eternal significance.
- It’s not just for homeschool moms. I wrote this workbook with fellow stay-at-home and/or homeschooling moms in mind (because I am one). However, even if you’re not a homeschool mom, this workbook will still be useful to you, because you can simply skip over the few school sections. Or use those sections to write goals for your kids in public or private school.
- Cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit. In the personal vision casting section, I included an area called “Fruits of the Spirit I Need to Cultivate.” Please understand that I KNOW the fruits listed in Galatians 5 are, in fact, the work of the Holy Spirit in us. We cannot fabricate those fruits, only God can grow them in us. However, like any gardener knows, there are many things we can do to cultivate an environment that encourages those fruits to grow. So as you think through which Fruits of the Spirit you may be lacking, also think through which habits you need to either break or form to make room for the Spirit to work.
- Pray first. And finally, remember that before you even pick up your pen to begin writing, the best thing you can do is pray. Ask God to give you clarity. Ask Him to reveal any sin issues you need to work on, any unhealthy habits you need to break, any ways that you’re quenching the Spirit. Ask Him to give you a vision for your family’s life over the next year, and to show you ways you can cultivate a life-giving home. When you ask, He is faithful to show you the way.
Are you ready to get started?? If so, then grab your FREE goal setting workbook, Be Intentional, by clicking the button below!
And don’t forget to share the love with friends who would also love to grab their copy of Be Intentional.