My heart is happy!

I just want to thank ALL of you for your incredible outpouring of love and support as I have processed through my trip on the blog.  I have been overwhelmed by your emails, messages on Facebook, and comments in person…THANK YOU!

When I first came home from Sudan, I was really nervous to start sharing my pictures and stories with everyone, because I was worried that people would make snap judgements about the Sudanese or their lifestyle, or would not understand just how much the Sudanese mean to me…but you have all just really blown me away with your support.  Another completely awesome thing that has happened is that many of you have shared with me links and articles, etc. that pertain to Sudan specifically or issues in Africa which might interest me…and which interested you.  That is SO cool!!! The one thing that many Sudanese said to me in Africa and that many here in America say is that they really just want people informed about what is happening in Sudan.

I hope that as you have read through my journey so far, you have gathered that God is doing amazing things in Sudan through His many faithful followers (and sometimes unbelievers as well).  My prayer is that as you have become a part of this journey with me, you will begin to notice these issues in the news, support a non-profit working in Sudan, or even just spend some time in prayer for the beautiful men and women of Southern Sudan.

Again, thank you SO, SO much!! Your blog love has blessed me deeply!

Kwoth goa elong!