Before I begin posting pictures, thoughts, and stories of my time in Sudan, I want to acquaint you with my fellow team members so that you know about whom I am talking.  I don’t want to give away too much personal information on my blog, so I will keep that part fairly brief.  However, on our final night in Sudan we shared encouragement for each other instead of our typical devotional.  I am usually horrible at on-the-spot stuff like that, and that night was no exception.  I feel like when I was encouraging my team members, I left a lot of things out…so consider this the things I really wanted to say, but forgot when it was my turn!

Andrew Brown, Houston
Team Leader
Aid Sudan’s Mission Trip Director
You are going to read this about every person, but there are not enough kind things I could say about Andrew.  He is completely sold-out for Christ and for the Sudanese, and it was really exciting to watch him lead the Bible school (Bible duel gora in Nuer).  In the months leading up to the trip, he patiently answered my millions of questions and did a phenomenal job of making me feel prepared for the trip.  He continued to be a strong leader for our team and for the Bible school, and he set a great example of servant leadership.  I feel completely honored to have met him, and I am really excited about the things that God is doing in his life and his work.  To read more about Andrew, view his Aid Sudan Bio.

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Peter Swann, Houston
“First Assistant to the Team Leader” (according to Kerry)
Aid Sudan’s Excecutive Director
Peter’s passion and commitment to the Sudanese just blows me away, and his faithfulness to God just oozes out of him.  Peter and his wife spent two years living in Sudan and ministering to the people, so he really has a big heart for and extensive knowledge of the needs of the Sudanese people.  On this trip, Peter was so sensitive to each team member’s needs, and could always sense when we were struggling or not feeling well.  He was also very quick to realize that in each situation, God was in control and Peter had such faith that not only would God work it out, but it would always be better than what Peter had planned.  I really treasured our walks and the opportunities that I had to speak with Peter about many things, but especially the Sudanese.  I also totally loved that his iPhone 4 was his all-in-one gadget for the trip! To read more about Peter, view his Aid Sudan Bio.

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Kerry Henderson, Kampala
“Second Assistant to the Team Leader” (according to himself)
Aid Sudan’s Sudan Country Director
Kerry lives and works out of Kampala, Uganda for Aid Sudan.  He handles most things related to Aid Sudan’s work in Sudan.  I don’t know all of the details, but I know that he has a really big job! He is originally from South Carolina, so he is very much a southerner which I found to be a lot of fun! He, too, is very passionate about God and serving the Sudanese, and he is always ready to make people laugh.  I completely enjoyed that we had each other’s backs each evening when there was candy involved.  We saved seats next to one another so that we could put the candy between us and over-indulge our sweet-teeth! To read more about Kerry, view his Aid Sudan Bio.

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Chris, Ohio
Team Member
Chris was the youngest member of our team, and he had one of the more interesting backgrounds out of all of us.  Chris spent some time in West Africa, so he was familiar with the African culture, and he had some really entertaining bus stories.  He lives in Ohio and is preparing to begin Seminary this fall, and his commitment to God was very evident in almost every conversation we had.  I am really excited about where God will lead him during and after Seminary, because I think he really has a heart to reach those who are marginalized.

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Angie, Wisconson
Team Member
Angie is a Marine, so she was definitely the toughest of our team and often put me to shame.  She was definitely more quiet and reserved than the rest of us, but she has such a strong faith that I really admire.  She has traveled to Africa before (Uganda, actually) to serve in an orphanage, and she expressed her interest and passion for international medicine.  She will soon be starting med school, and I have no doubt that God will lead her to serve around the world.

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Mandy, Nebraska
Team Member
Mandy had the most extensive knowledge of the Nuer culture and language out of all of us.  She lives in Nebraska among a large Sudanese population (a lot of lost boys and girls), and she spent a great deal of time tutoring Sudanese college students when she was an undergrad student.  She was really eager to teach us Nuer, and served as a translator in several situations.  She is such a sweet person, and I felt at the end of the trip like I had known her for much longer than a couple of weeks.  The morning that I was sick and lying in bed, she came to our hut and prayed over me.  I definitely love the way that in everything that happens and everything she does, she always gives the glory to God.  She, too, is a med student interested in international medicine and education…again, I’m excited about where that will lead her.

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Then there’s me, but you already know about my nerdy, teacherness (yes, I just made that word up), so I’ll spare you the boring bio! =)