My New Favorite Bible Study Resource

April 5, 2019

I was recently turned on to the ESV Scripture Journal, and I love it so much as a new bible study resource I wanted to share it with you!

I learn and study best by writing, taking notes, highlighting, etc. My NIV Study Bible is a mess, because I’ve been making notes in the margin, highlighting, and underlining things in it for a decade. It drives Blaise crazy that I write in my bible, and truthfully, I’m running out of room in some books.

I decided last month to begin studying through the Psalms, so I felt like it was the perfect chance to try out the ESV Scripture Journal. I ordered it for Romans and the Psalms, and I’ve pretty much been in love since day 1!

Okay, so here’s why I like love it so much…

Blank, Lightly-Lined Pages Opposite Scripture

The left page of each 2-page spread is Scripture, and the right page is an empty, lightly-lined page. This gives me ample space to write down notes, observations, and connections to the text. I have also used this space to write prayers, areas of conviction and confession, and encouragements. It gives me loads of space to really dig in and interact with the Word.

Bible Study Resource ESV Scripture Journal

It Spares My Bible from Further Mark-ups

Will I continue to write in my bible? Yes, of course. But I can at least minimize how full the small margins get! And if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t write in your bible, this is an excellent resource to use. You can underline and highlight passages until your heart’s content, you can make notes all over the pages, and that’s the whole point!

It Encourages Me to Study My Bible More Frequently Each Day

I’m going to be real here, becoming a mom was a real hit to my bible study time. I always felt like I needed the perfect environment in which to study. What I know to be true now is that if I’m always waiting for the “perfect” time, then I’ll never open my bible again. I teach online before my kids get up for the day, so that’s not an option for quiet time. Then it’s sheer chaos most of the day as I herd two very active (and loud) boys around. By the time they go to bed at night, I’m beat.

I eventually found a rhythm that enabled me to still study my bible while they were awake, just knowing I’d be interrupted a lot and there would be no perfect picture of steaming coffee, a lovely laid out scene, and ample quiet time.

And that’s okay.

But once I got this bible study resource, I realized that it increased the number of times I was reading Scripture throughout the day. I keep it beside my chair in the living room, my pen tucked inside, and whenever they’re either watching tv (gasp, yes it happens in our house) or playing contentedly, I grab my journal and read/write/study a bit more.

It Will Serve as a Marker of Spiritual Growth

I have loved going back through my ooooooold blog posts as I’ve been tidying up broken links, adjusting pictures, etc. It still amazes and humbles me just how much God has transformed and grown me spiritually over the last decade. Sometimes I read old posts and cringe at how immature I was, but then I immediately praise God for not leaving me where I was then.

It’s the same for my regular journals, and I know it will be the same for these Scripture journals, too. I dated the first page so I would know when I began my study of Psalms, and someday I hope to look back on a younger me and praise God for how much I’ve continued to grow in Him.

Men Can Use Them, Too

I bought the plain black version (they have an Illuminated version that contains gorgeous illustrations throughout), and it’s completely gender neutral. I’ve been studying the Psalms on my own, but Blaise and I decided that together we’ll study Romans. When I showed him my Psalms study journal, he asked that I order each of us a journal for Romans. Done! I love when I find resources that my husband and I can both use!

I’m all about using whatever is going to help me get in the Word and stay in the Word. This has been such a blessing for me! I hope you enjoy it, too!

What bible study resources do you love? I’m always looking to grow my list!

ESV Scripture Journal Romans