let's be social!
This is very exciting for me! I had been really wondering how I was going to pack for this trip…I mean, it will be the rainy season, and I’m figuring traditional rolling luggage wouldn’t really work in the mud. It finally struck me that I should look for a big hiker’s backpack. So, I first started some Internet searches to see about how much one of these bad boys costs, and I found that they’re really pretty reasonable…considering the headache they’ll save me.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago when Blaise and I were on our way home from Michigan, I asked to stop at Bass Pro Shops in northern Indiana so I could actually try on some of these backpacks and see how well they’ll fit. I found one that I really liked; it’s a good size, good weight, and good storage. I’m not really one who likes to pay full price for anything, so as soon as we got home, I jumped online to see what they had to offer. I found the technical pack I wanted, and it comes in a women’s size (for our smaller, more delicate frames 🙂 )!
Blaise snapped this shot of me trying on the pack in BPS…
The day that it came, I was so super excited to see that big box on my front porch when I returned home from work! Here’s my new technical pack that will go with me to Sudan and back: the Kelty Women’s Red Cloud 5000…
Now you know that I’m all about laughing at myself…so here goes. Picture this: Me, in Sudan surrounded by nothing but wilderness and mud huts, in the rain and mud, in a skirt, with frizzy hair, and muck boots, and this backpack. Do you see it? Are you chuckling yet? It’s okay…I’ll be sure to send pictures!