Our Third Baby Is On the Way!

March 21, 2019
Our Third Baby Is On the Way

I am so excited to announce that our third baby is on the way…due in September 2019!

We are excited about adding a third child to our family that is already bursting at the seams with love (and a dash of chaos)! This pregnancy has been really hard (more on that in a later post), but it has also been incredible sweet.

Clark is old enough to understand what’s happening, and he has especially enjoyed following along with my pregnancy app. He asks weekly how big the baby is, and loves looking at the images in the app. Elliot LOVES babies, so he’s just really excited to get his own! 🙂 He frequently pats my belly and asks if that’s where the baby lives, and he’ll give me belly kisses every now and then. That has been so much fun!

Preschooler Kisses His Mom's Pregnant Belly

I have had a few moments (mostly when I’m trying to get the boys dressed into their coats, hats, and boots to leave the house or when they’re throwing tantrums in the shopping cart) when I’ve wondered if we’ve lost our minds adding another baby. However, I know two things to be true:

1.) This baby is absolutely meant to be in our family…there’s a space for him or her just waiting.

2.) My children won’t always be this young and difficult to pacify on shopping trips!

So far this pregnancy…

  • The morning sickness has been worse than my previous two pregnancies. Not significantly worse, but it seems that with each pregnancy it has progressively increased. Now that I’m 15 weeks, it’s starting to ease up, but it’s far from gone.
  • Thankfully, the fatigue started easing up significantly a few weeks ago and now I’m just the normal amount of tired for a mom with two small boys.
  • I haven’t had any crazy cravings, but I MUST have ice in my water or else I nearly gag…so that’s fun.
  • That baby bump is HUGE for 15 weeks! (Before you ask, we’ve already had a scan and there’s only 1 baby.) It seems as though my abs have just given up trying!
  • I forgot how much I love the stretchy heaven of maternity pants. Anyone else? Please tell me I’m not alone!
  • My blood pressure has already been high, so I’d love your prayers that it would come down and the rest of the pregnancy would be safe and healthy.

Anyone care to make a gender prediction of our third baby??

Mom 15 Weeks Pregnant with Third Baby


Congratulations!! Xoxo! Can’t wait to meet the baby GIRL!! 😉💕😘

So happy for you guys!!! It’s time for a girls to rock the boys world 🌍

I’m voting for baby girl…it’s so nice having both “flavors”!