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Charlotte Mason Table of the Centuries
In Home Education, Charlotte Mason says, “In order to give definiteness to what may soon become a pretty wide knowledge of history — mount a sheet of cartridge-paper and divide it into twenty columns, letting the first century of the Christian Era come in the middle, and let each remaining column represent a century B.C. or A.D., as the case may be.
“Then let the child himself write, or print, as his is able, the names of the people he comes upon in due order, in their proper century” (Home Education, p. 292).
This 4-page table begins with a column for “pre-history,” and then covers 600 B.C. through our current 21st century. Put it in a 3-ring binder or hang it on the wall, and this simple table of the centuries will give your student the perfect “graphic panorama” for seeing “events in their time-order.”
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Copyright © 2022 A Beautifully Wrecked Life. For personal home use or single classroom use only.