Family Discipleship: Reading Scripture to My Littles

January 14, 2019

I am a huge fan of The Jesus Storybook Bible, and we read it all of the time in our house. The illustrations are gorgeous, the story is accessible, and every story points to Jesus, which is the whole point. We’ve enjoyed reading it with our two boys. But it wasn’t until recently that I realized just how powerful it is to read Scripture to our littles.

In November, I began researching Advent books and calendars to do with our kids (ages 4 and 2). This was actually our first Christmas formally celebrating Advent, so I was a bit overwhelmed by all of the options. I knew I wanted something that focused solely on Christ, but I had a hard time sorting through all of the options.

Truth in the Tinsel

Right about the time I was searching, someone in a preschool group I’m in posted about The Truth in the Tinsel. I did some research and it was a quick sell!

We spent the entire month of December reading the Christmas story verse-by-verse…reading Scripture to my littles straight out of my “grown up” Bible. In an effort to remain completely transparent, I was a bit unsure about how much my oldest would actually glean from our daily readings. I mean, Scripture is a complex text that even we, as adults, sometimes struggle to comprehend.

At first, I felt the need to try to explain every single detail before the educator in me kicked in. I began asking Mr. Four comprehension questions about the verses we’d read, and he blew me away with how much he was able to articulate!

As we finished our Advent ornaments and packed all of the supplies and book away until next Christmas, I felt a sadness. I had thoroughly enjoyed reading straight out of Scripture with the boys, and I really enjoyed our daily ornaments. A few days after Christmas, Mr. Four expressed the same sentiment.

After some praying and discussing it with my husband, I decided that there’s no reason why we can’t continue to read from my “grown up” Bible each day.

Reading the Gospel of John

So Mr. Four and I began today reading the Gospel of John together. I began there because I feel like it’s already such an accessible Gospel for little ones, and the circular writing really reinforces who Jesus is using some powerful word pictures. I am excited about this journey and I cannot wait to see how God uses His Word to sow seeds in my son’s heart. (I’ll be sure to keep you updated!)

And Mama, I just want to encourage you…if you are anything like I was, a bit skeptical that your young ones can grasp the big ideas in Scripture, take heart! I think this endeavor is completely worth it!

There is absolutely value in reading beautifully illustrated and carefully written children’s bibles, but so, too, is there eternal value in children’s hearts being saturated by the very words that give life. So keep (or start) reading Scripture to your littles and watch how God waters the seeds you sow!

Much love,